Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Brexit: There was plenty of information about what the EU did for the UK, for those who sought it out.

Since the brexit vote I've quite often heard or read opinions along the lines of that the EU didn't do enough to educate British people about its own importance, or that remain campaigners didn't do enough. Of course it would have taken a lot to drown out the drone of negativity from the British press which has published literally hundreds of negative stories, often ridiculous and mostly completely without basis, but which unfortunately did sway opinion.

However it would be wrong to think there had never been an effort to explain what the EU is and does. When my children were at school in the UK in the 1990s they were given several explanatory magazines, one of which I have reproduced in full below:
The first page shows the countries in green, purple, pink and blue which were then members of the EU, with their dates of entry, and also prospective members in orange.

Under "Exports": "In belonging to the EU, the UK is part of a Single Market which makes it easier for British firms to trade with our continental neighbours. The removal of long and expensive customs procedures means that an estimated £135 million a year is saved by British businesses in reduced paperwork alone. Delivery times have been cut by 20% and freight charges reduced. The EU gives Britain a market of 371 million people. As 10% of UK jobs rely on exports, this means more jobs for British workers." "Job-Creation measures": "Britain receives the largest grant of all the Member States from the European Social Fund - Objective 3 allocated £1.3bn for 1997-1999..." Opportunities to work abroad: "The Single Market means that British people can set up a business or exercise their professional activity in any EEA country..."

Backing British business and industry, international negotiations: "Outside the EU, British businesses would face regulation without representation. By being part of the EU, Britain was able to benefit from the best GATT (fore-runner of WTO) deal for decades. With our partners the UK has a more powerful and influential voice on the international stage". Thanks to brexit, that's all going

The Common Agricultural Policy has been criticized a lot, but it's also offered a life-line to some farmers.

"Did you know that the problem of 'quota hopping' by Spanish, Dutch and other fishing boats exists because British fishermen sold their licenses to them ?"

"How much does it cost ? Every person in the UK pays £12.14 per day towards general Government expenditure - of this, less than 37p goes to the EU which spends it on common programmes (many of which are of great benefit to the UK as highlighted in this brochure)" "Did you know that it is YOUR MINISTERS WHO DECIDE on Europe ? There is no 'European Government' in Brussels. The European Commission proposes new laws but these can only be agreed by the Ministers of the 15 Member States. British Ministers must account for their actions in the Council of Ministers before the Westminster Parliament "
"Europe at a glance" is just one of three such magazines given to our children which I found recently when clearing out things in our attic. The EU tried to educate the British public about what it did and why.
Read more about our experience with brexit:

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